Yes! And I totally love it! I finally was able to go see Ghost Rider today. Dave thought it was terrible, I liked it. I’m into terribly cheesy movies like that. The only thing I didn’t like was NIcholas Cage cast as the main hero of the movie.
Hmm, for lunch we had PF Chang’s before the movie. It’s such white washed Asian food. Tastes yummy, but somehow… off…
After the movie, we walked around the mall. Looked at clothing. I bought a new hat from the Gap for $7. Totally cute. :) More walking around, looked at the games in Gamestop. Sniffed the perfume at the Body Shop while Dave ran somewhere far away from the store. Ate cookies, looked at stuff at Brookstone and then walked back.
In the evening, I ended up playing with Hayley while Laura and Franklin moved the china cupboard to Laura’s house. Hayley is too adorable. For dinner it was at El Pollo Inka. Yummy. :9 Now I have more leftovers. :x