It all started last week when Roukii decided that it was time for a double takeover of the newbie regions. I wasn’t sure if it was possible, but I wanted to give it a try. Imagine all the fun it’d be. All the gil spent on cheapo equipment and synth ingredients, only to be traded to the guy at the outpost. I think Roukii had the most fun trading arrowheads and random stuff he could get his hands on. He even ran around Windurst with a jug of fish broth I synthed to see how much the NPC value of it was… I realized that I could make high-quality bug and carrot broths, and those have good NPC values. So I bought cheapo gear and synthed as many bug broths as possible over the week, and muled most of them to Nattotemaki. I deleted Sorennyonyo from Shiva to get the content ID back for Nattotemaki. I was rather fond of the name Sorennyonyo, too. :\ Oh well. So Saturday rolls around and I’m like, I’m completely out of inventory space! I wanna start trading! We had to make sure that our region influence didn’t go past minimal until the last 5 hours and everyone was itching to get started. Finally, the clock hits 2 am and everyone begins their mad dash to synth and trade. A few people traded and then passed out. I miraculously stayed up all night synthing in front of the Ronfaure region vendor (oh, the ironies!). Saotome, Jariten, and I were making carrot broths and Reiglo was our runner. At 1 hour before tally, Windurst gains major in Ronfaure and then another mad dash begins, but this time to Gustaberg. I give Jones a teleport to Dem, and then when I tele myself to Altep I get the dreaded blank screen of death. No matter what I did I couldn’t log back into Susperia. I eventually logged into my Bastok mule to kill her off a few times before I got the blank screen of death again. I finally log into Nattotemaki and hand over the rest of my goods to Rauzhon to trade to the Gustaberg outpost. I stood next to Rottata, hoping and hoping Windurst gains all three areas. Tense moments indeed. Finally, the tally was in and we won! We did it! Quite possibly the first server to gain control over all three starter nations at once. Go WindurstEnseiguntai on Lakshmi!