So my FFXI adventure starts off with being invited to Fynlar’s experience points party as a red mage in Bibiki Bay. Everything is going great, I’m being the dutiful refresh whore that I should be, but the party breaks up sooner than I had anticipated. I had just used an Empress Band, so Fynlar suggest I kill crabs in Kuftal Tunnel until I get full use of my exp bonus. I’m like, sure!
So I’m in Kuftal Tunnel, soloing crabs as Fynlar cures me as rdm/pld when Guivre pops and makes his presence known. He kills off a few people along with Fynlar and me. Fynlar gets a raise, comes to raise me and I start casting escape as I rejoin Fyn’s party.
Of course, whenever a large NM pops like that, revenge is in order. Fynlar rushes to Rabao to change subjobs from paladin to ninja. (Woot RDM/NIN go!) When he gets back, we see a bunch of people had run out of the tunnel to escape the rampaging dragon. On hearing Fynlar is going to solo it, a few people get a little too excited and follow us right into a bunch of crabs. I imagine they died…. >.>;
The thing about Guivre is that he runs fast. Escape is not an option when he is after you. However, it’s a little different when you’re chasing it. When we finally find him, he’s already claimed by another party. So after a bit of watching, their red mage eats it, their ninja eats it, their whm eats it, and their other ninja eats it, and their first ninja eats it again… Guivre runs off, goes yellow, and we go chasing after it. I head south and my sneak is wearing off, so I start recasting sneak, click off old sneak, new sneak is cast and I run… But instead of running smoothly past the cactaurs, I aggro a bunch of them. I didn’t click off sneak as I thought I had, and I’m quickly dead, eating dirt. Fynlar finds Guivre, but he didn’t have much of a chance and he eats it, too. After that we both HP and and log off.
Thus, that is the misadventure of the weekend. It was fun though. ^^;