I’ve been having a problems burning DVDs and printing. Googling for more information last night seems to lead me to reformatting as a solution, which is the last thing I want to do. I’ll try a few more things before I go all out with that. I might have to buy another external backup drive because my current one is almost full and won’t be able to take all the crap I need to back up. That’ll be later in the week if needed. >_<
Day: June 2, 2008
Almost to RDM 75
Spent most of Sunday leveling red mage. I went from 72 to 74. Not bad. I’m about 14k into the level. After I hit 75, I’ll probably pad the job before I switch to gain merits. I spent most of the time trying to level up my gimpy dark skills by spamming Bio II as much as possible.
The white mage we got for the group near the end was really good. She was really on top of everything. Nearly all her spells landed, which made me jealous as a red mage. Subbing scholar helped her a lot.