This was supposed to be hoshi shiitake no tsuya-ni. Now it’s a smelly carbon mess.
I will need to go out and buy more mushrooms to try again… >.>; Maybe on a weekend where I’ll have more time to take it easy trying to cook…
Negi Buta Mafin
Green Onion and Pork Muffin
Time 10 minutes.
1.) Cut English muffins into half.
2.) Cut the green onions finely. Add all the group A ingredients into a bowl and mix with your hands.
3.) Partition the meat into 8 and spread each onto 1 muffin half. Wrap and freeze.
When ready to cook:
Additional ingredients
Estimated 180 kcal for 1.
Time 15 minutes.
1.) Remove the wrap from the frozen green onion and pork muffin.
2.) Add sesame oil to the fry pan. Place the muffin meat side down onto the pan and cook on low heat for about 7~8 minutes.
3.) When the meat has a good cooked coloring to it, flip it over. Cook for another 1 minute. Remove from heat and serve.
I haven’t made these yet, but they sounded yummy so I’m making a pre-emptive translation. ^^