Breakfast was at Yakichi. It was a lot of food. More food than I normally eat, but it gave me a lot of fuel to walk around.

Today, I decided to travel light. I took my point and shoot camera instead of my SLR. No backpack as well.
I found my way to Takashimaya and Tokyu Hands. I thought I bought some hair bands at Tokyu Hands, but I saw none. There were a lot of bento making goods, too. Next I thought I should buy a good map of Tokyo so I’d know what I want to do and how to get there. Free maps don’t seem to be very detailed and that usually drives me nuts. I also bought a mini defective compass. Defective because it takes a while to point the correct direction.
I got the idea to go to the Japanese Sword Museum from one of the books I bought and it might be an ideal place to buy a friend his samurai sword omiyage. It was small museum. I actually took the wrong train to get there. I saw that it was in Shibuya-ku, so I hopped on the Yamanote line train to get off at Shibuya. Wrong. I had to spend money to go back to Shinjuku station since I exited and take the Odakyu local line to Sanguubashi station. After that I wasn’t so dumb with the train. The gift store was mostly books. There was a 800 yen cell phone strap, but I was like he’s not going to use it and it’s 800 yen!
Lunch was at a soba restaurant called Monma nearby on the way back to the Sanguubashi station.

My next stop, Yasukuni Shrine. I decided to go there because of the controversy that surrounds it. The shrine itself was rather unimpressive. The museum was a bit more… I dunno how to put it… I thought of warmongering, but it’s not quite that. It was cool that they had Japanese airplanes and artillery. There was a tank and a (human powered?) missile. The thing that irked me was that they painted over everything that they had. The cannons that was on display on the first floor was covered in bullet marks, but it was painted over and the bullet marks were painted in a rust color. They closed at 5 PM so I had to rush out of the museum and didn’t get to see the rooms at the end very carefully.
On my way back to my hotel, I bought some stuff to fix my hair with after my shower since I forgot to bring mine from home. I also bought some night cream.
And milk. :9 I also bought the Bulgaria yogurt to try out. The yogurt was nothing impressive. The milk was yum. I took a lot of Lactaid, but not enough. Gassy right now.