There’s still a bunch of stuff I need to do before I hope onto that plane for Japan tomorrow.
Like pack.
Well, I have to do the laundry, too. I don’t want dirty laundry sitting around for 3 weeks. I also need clean jeans to pack into my suitcase. I still need to install my blogging software onto my Macbook and a list of important passwords so I can pay bills and stuff online if needed.
My flight leaves at 2:40 PM on Singapore Airlines flight 11 from LAX. I come back on Singapore Airlines flight 12 arriving at 12:55 PM. Still paranoid about the “pattern” and your garden variety terrorists….
Also, I didn’t finish the scarf I was knitting to wear in Japan. I ended up ripping it apart to remake because I thought it was too narrow and would end up longer than I like. :\ Maybe I can knit in the airplane… They allow knitting needles now! I checked. :x When I get bored of knitting, I can read. And when I get bored of reading, I can watch something on my iPod. When I get bored of that, I can try sleeping. And when I wake up from my sleep, I can wish for a neck pillow…