Last week’s attempt at making tofu failed rather miserably. This time, I was better prepared. I purchased more cheese clothes, a pyrex measuring cup, and ever important thermometer. My dad helped again.
One thing I discovered is that as soon as the boiled soybean mush is strained, the soy milk is ready for the nigari. That’s what the little thermometer told me. Last time, I waited around since I didn’t know how hot 70° C is, and I had no clue how much soy milk I had. Scooping a cup out at a time cooled the soy milk too much.
When it came to pressing the soybean curds, I was a bit ill prepared. Since there aren’t any tofu making kits (that I know of), I had to improvise. Two cans of soup isn’t as heavy as I thought. I was hoping for tofu that was a bit more dense, but I ended up with soft tofu.
Taste wise was good. My dad and I ate hiyayakko.