I have Earthlink as my internet service provider. It’s been good to me (for the most part), but once in a while, I’ll have to run through hoops to get things working.
Namely, getting the DNS to work correctly.
Frustration knows no bounds when I’m trying to pay my bills and my web browser comes back saying ‘Earthlink can’t find that URL, maybe it no longer exists.’ Yeah, right! I was just there 2 minutes ago! Other sites that my web browser (read: Earthlink’s DNS) came back as not existing: LA Times.com, CNN.com, Yahoo.com. Hrmph. I’m sure Yahoo no longer exists. Maybe when Microsoft finally manages to buy Yahoo and nukes that site out of existence, then I’ll believe that. That’s why I manually inputted a DNS address.
And then I had issues trying to get onto FFXI on my PS2/PS3. Not a lick of trouble from my Xbox 360 though.
A call to Square-Enix customer support said my DNS sucks and that I need to fix that. *grumble* So I changed that and it seemed to have worked. Ah, but the side effect is that I can’t get to websites anymore (again). So I go back to my old DNS numbers.
Haven’t booted up FFXI yet so I don’t know if I’ll be able to connect. Crap, I’d rather have the internet than FFXI on my PS2/PS3. Since I don’t like FFXI on my 360, I’d be playing less of it. Probably a good thing.
Surfing the good old web found this: Good Earthlink DNS numbers. Which I vaguely remember as the numbers I was using before SE told me to change it… I would so change my ISP if it wasn’t for the fact that I don’t want to change my e-mail address of over 10 years.