For lunch I thought I would make shumai again using the rest of the pork. I also invited Laura over to eat some. I also managed to get her to help me out. She initially only wanted to just come to eat and then go home, but I convinced her otherwise.
So off to Mitsuwa I went to pick up our Xmas cake and some shumai making supplies. Nothing exciting happened. I bought Tokyo negi to use in the gyoza instead of the usual ao negi simply because 1/4 of a negi seemed too little. Utsuwa-no-yakata was having a holiday sale. They had cute bunny themed plated for $10. Tempted, but I said no to myself.
It took me about 2 hours from start to finish. About 45 minutes of that time was spent cooking the shumai in 3 batches. While the shumai was cooking, I made more of the negi and aburaage hitashi using the rest of the Tokyo negi. I think I messed up on the ingredients, but my mom liked it better as it wasn’t as salty.
After lunch, we ate the cake. My mom had 2 slices. :x
Presents! Laura gave me a necklace, soap, lip balm, and $100 gift certificate to Whole Foods. She forgot to bring the Firefly blu-ray DVDs she got from her boss. ;_; My gift to Laura was the Battlestar Galactica DVD sets I gave her earlier. I gave nothing to my parents. :| Hey, I made them lunch! >.>;