My Saturday was supposed to be full of samurai on horses and dragons. Somehow I ended up seeing dragons and a bunch of horses without samurais.
Originally, Adam and I were going to go see the Tokyo City Cup at Santa Anita Park. I think it was some sort of exhibition race with men from Japan wearing samurai armor along with a visit Japan promotion.
On Thursday or Friday, Ardith mentioned that she wanted to see How to Train Your Dragon in 3D over Facebook on Saturday. I’m like, hmmm, I think I can do both!
(The movie is awesome. I’m going to have to get that on blu-ray when it comes out. )
After the movie, instead of zipping away to go see samurai on horses, we end up eating lunch at Islands. So, I was hungry. >.>;;
Also, I had no freaking clue where Santa Anita Park was. I thought it was maybe in Santa Ana. I don’t know why I thought that, but it’s not. It’s in Arcadia. I had to go home to google that, too. Freakin’ hell. Took us forever to get there, and of course, by the time we get there it’s past 4 PM. The samurai stuff is done and there’s only one last horse race left.
It wasn’t a complete loss, I got to see a real horse race for the first time, and I got to see it with Adam. When the last race ended, we headed to Dave and Buster’s to play some video games and take a look see around the mall there. I enjoyed my day.
Adam told me, next time instead of trying to do everything that I should just pick one thing to do. And here I thought I was doing well by skipping the L.A. Sake Festival…