White Water River Rafting

The last time I went camping was back in the summer of 1995, right before I went off to Purdue. I can’t remember where we went or what we did exactly, but I remember it was a lot of fun.

Ok, the only thing I remember about it was that the girls tent was really cold, so we piled into the boys tent. I used a friend’s leg as a pillow. Very uncomfortable.

Memorial Day Weekend, one of my friends wanted to go white water river rafting near Sequoia National Forest. I’ve never gone white water river rafting before, so I was kinda nervous and I wasn’t too sure if I wanted to go.

I went.

Adam went with me as well. We drove up on Saturday morning and came back to Los Angeles on Monday. Rafting happened on Sunday.

When I saw the rushing river water, I thought to myself, why did I agree to this? I didn’t think I would die. I knew how to swim, and I had a life jacket and a helmet on. Surviving it wasn’t the issue. Coming out unscathed and in one piece was what I was worried about. I refused to sit at the front of the raft as well. More responsibility? On my first time? No thanks!

It’s actually a lot more fun than I expected. At least, after I got over my initial fears about it anyways. I got knocked out of the raft 2 times, and fell out once when we were doing a trust exercise (we stood on the edge holding hands while the guide spun the rafter around).

Another coworker went rafting, too, but I didn’t realize he was there until he saw me on Tuesday morning. He saw me and my Treyarch towel at the raft company’s parking lot. I had to go look him up in the office directory when I got back to my desk because I really didn’t know who he was.

Anyways, I think I might go rafting again next year. It was that fun. :)

Renaissance Pleasure Festival

I visited LA’s RenFair for the first time today. It was held in the city of Irwindale at the Santa Fe Dam. There were a lot of activities and events going on all over the place, so I enjoyed myself quite a bit. We saw a few comedy shows, drank mead, and watched a jousting event. I even bought myself a Legend of Zelda ocarina (which I’ve been wanting for a while) and several cute earrings. Adam bought a mug, but he didn’t check the price before buying it. It was expensive. Ouch. :(

The raspberry mead is tasty, by the way. I’m going to have to see if BevMo has any in stock.

There were a few incidents that marred an otherwise fun day. First was the amount of dust flying about. By the end of the day, I was blowing out black snot and my hair felt dirty. My camera was not spared either as it was covered in a good amount of dust. :( The other incident was while we were watching the last comedy act of the day, there were a group of drunks who wouldn’t shut up and watch the show, or leave. I really wanted to tell them to shut up, but I also didn’t want a fight on my hands. Oh well.

Overall, I had a lot of fun and I can’t wait to go again next year. :)

Armed Forces Day

This past Saturday was Armed Forces Day. Torrance has a parade and event every year. I thought about going to Torrance Blvd to check out the parade, but I ended up hanging around the house cleaning.

Adam came over in the afternoon and we went to the Del Amo Fashion Center to check out the event there. There was a M1A1 Abrams tank, helicopters, various vehicles and such. They were even military guys dressed in Vietnamese army uniform. Pretty cool stuff.

I really want to fly a helicopter.

And an airplane.

There were no airplanes there.

Dinner was at a Korean hot tofu restaurant next to Gablehouse. Adam never had Korean hot tofu before, so it was new to him.

We also saw Iron Man 2. It was a good movie. I wasn’t disappointed.

On Sunday, one of my coworkers invited me and Adam to yoga. I left my house a little late, oops. I fail my Japanese ancestry. Punctuality not my forte. We got there about 15-20 after class had started. It was donation based, so I didn’t have to pay a lot to attend. The yoga place even had a store with expensive merchandise. I bought a yoga towel because my feet get sweaty on my mat. Probably could have gotten it somewhere cheaper.

After yoga, we wandered around the area. REI is having a sale starting this coming Friday, so I’m going to have to go back and purchase a few things before the Memorial Day rafting and camping trip.

And that is another boring update by yours truly.

PS – Can’t sleep, drank coffee at 8:30 PM. Doh!

Kick-Ass and Mother’s Day

Saw Kick-Ass this weekend with Adam on Saturday. I figured it’d be hard to get good seats to see Iron Man 2 and there were only 3D showings of Alice in Wonderland, so Kick-Ass. It’s a good movie, however very gory.

So I found out what that weird white stuff was that was growing in the bag of dirt. They’re mushrooms. I found out by opening the other bag of soil and out popped mushrooms among the mega-colony white stuff. I have no idea what kind of mushrooms they are, but I don’t think they’re edible.

On Sunday, Laura and I celebrated Mother’s Day by taking our mom to a restaurant for lunch. My mom wanted to go to Black Olive, so that’s where we went. The service was slow, but it was because there was only one chef in the kitchen. Ouch. The restaurant isn’t normally open on Sunday for lunch, so that’s probably why there was only 1 chef in there. We didn’t hold it against them as the food was very good and the servers were very friendly.

Weird Thing In a Bag

Yesterday, I decided it was time to plant my cucumber plants into real pots. I dragged out the bag of soil I bought last year and tore a small hole open. That’s when I noticed something strange… Instead of dark brown dirt, I saw spongy white. What the crap?! Like, EW! The entire bag was full of the strange white stuff.

Holy Crap, EWWW!!!


I’m afraid that the other bag of soil I have in the garage is full of the same white spongy stuff. I haven’t opened it yet.

I also found a small lizard in my watering can. I let it go in my neighbor’s backyard. She has a bigger yard that’s not cemented over. >_>;