The August heatwave finally arrived. Totally late and mostly in September. The heatwave is ongoing as of now.
It does make for a nice summery evening with crickets filling the air with their call.
I mostly melted this Labor Day weekend. After sleeping for too long on Sunday, I finally got up and went to a BBQ party with the Lambda Alpha Alumni.
Sunday morning took me to the Anaheim Angels Stadium at 5:15 AM for the Disneyland Half-Marathon. Played music and cheered on the runners. Anna stopped by and took a picture with me. I’m not sure how I looked, because I was crazy tired, and the band was in the middle of playing a Muse song.
After the half-marathon ended, I somehow ended up taking charge and getting the packing up started. Seriously, wut? Every year it takes forever to get the cars packed up, so I was like, it’s hot and I want to get food. Let’s get this ball rolling. I think this year was the fastest we got the instruments back in the vehicles.
Brunch was at Lazy Dog Cafe. Love that place.
On Labor Day, I did not labor. Well, not in the sense that the national holiday was created for. I made matsutake gohan (matsutake mushroom rice), some miso soup, cleaned, did laundry, played Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and Animal Crossing.
Speaking of MH3U, I need to get a Sharqskin to continue on in the game. Ugh. Cha-cha, you don’t need that mask, seriously.
I was unable to log onto Midgardsormr this entire weekend. I couldn’t get onto any server on Monday. Supposedly SE is upgrading and expanding their servers today, so hopefully I’ll be able to play FFXIV tomorrow evening.