It’s really unusual for me to watch two movies in the theater in the same weekend, but I did. It’s not that I don’t like to going to the theater. It’s just that sometimes I’d rather just veg at home. …Well, make that most of the time.
The first movie up was Mad Max. Honestly? I really didn’t care to go see it, but it was mentioned to me that it’s scoring really well. After watching it? I can still safely say dystopian movies don’t appeal to me. Don’t get me wrong, it was a good movie. It had an awesome amount of action and fighting, but the world is depressing. Sure it had a happy ending, but how happy is it really? The world is still a huge poisonous dustbowl and (SPOILERS) there’s a huge power vacuum left behind by the death of the villain. Maybe that’s going to be picked up by the sequel.
The second movie I watched this weekend was Pitch Perfect 2. I didn’t see the first movie until after my friend invited me to her event. It really didn’t appeal to me, but my friends wanted to see it so I said yes. Somehow managed to sneak a bit of movie time into my schedule to watch the first movie and I have to say, I really enjoyed it. It was funny and a lot better than I thought it would be. Sequels are never better than the original, so I went into the theater will a low bar. That bar was met and exceeded. It wasn’t as good as the original, but it was still an enjoyable experience.
If I had to go back in time and only choose one movie to watch this weekend, it would be Pitch Perfect 2 simply because I like happy movies infinitely more than depressing ones.