Star Trek Movie Open Casting Call

Yesterday, a coworker and I went to Burbank to join the hundreds of people trying to become an extra on the new Star Trek movie. We got there early and there was already a line. After wandering around gawking at the people (and finding a restroom for me), we lined up to await our fate in the Star Trek universe.

Ok, it wasn’t that glamorous. It was a line that moved little by little. The sun was a bit hot when it started at 2:30 PM. It was almost 5 PM and rather chilly when we finally got inside. There were 3 people taking head shots and body shots of the wannabe extras. No smiles when taking photos. I look like a retard when I don’t smile. We turned in our gender color coded piece of paper with our information, and that was it.

I might have a higher chance of being chosen because of my marching band experience, but seriously, overall the chances of me being picked is still rather slim. Not to mention, I would have to ditch work, which I don’t definitely want to do. Health insurance > acting gig.

Star Trek Movie Open Call

Afteward, my coworker and I ate dinner at Pinocchio’s. It’s a very good restaurant. I have left overs. I should eat it now.

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