Bleh Day

Today was one of those days. You wake up knowing it’s going to be crappy. You go through the day and crappy things happen. Some things resolve themselves, but not before you feel like bashing your head into something. And the day ends, with the crappy feeling intensifying simply because crappy compounds hourly.

For some incredibly shortsighted reason, default coverage for vision during the insurance election process was set to waive IF you wanted something other than basic HMO. Let’s also tell the employees that enrollment in vision insurance is automatic, which is contrary to what actually happens. It’s an awesome move if you want to make sure the nearly blind employees who like PPO insurance don’t get any vision insurance. It’s not awesome if you have an eye doctor’s appointment the next week. So that’s what happened to me. Eventually, it got resolved, but not before I felt like bashing my head into something.


Like my friend Ardith says, tomorrow is a new day.

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