E3 2009

Today was the first day of the return to the old E3.

When I say return to the old E3, I mean a better E3 with less people and less swag.

Ok, why would less swag be better? Less trash. Not many people rushing up to get free stuff to turn into a profit on Ebay is another. Sure, free t-shirts were awesome, but they were usually large or x-large that were good for sewing practice or pajamas.

Anywho, I went with 3 of my coworkers. They had some weird competition going where they were trying to see who can take the most pictures of people with their mouths gaping open while taking a picture or video of games. Bigger the open mouth, better the points. Extra points if they were wearing a t-shirt of the game that they were photographing. Extra points for capturing the bored girlfriend in the background. I joined in on the fun. >.>; I got a few pics.

Of course, I stalked Square-Enix’s booth. Nothing devoted to FFXI like in the past. I think Final Fantasy XIV took the limelight. I saw Jyun there and we talked for a bit. I didn’t see my other SE friends.

I also saw (but didn’t play) God of War III that one of my FFXI friends is working on. It looks pretty cool. Gory. I’m not a fan of action/adventure games (cuz I suck at them), but I’ll pick it up when it comes out.

Nintendo’s Super Mario Bros. Wii looks cool and is fun. Must get.

Zombie Apocalypse is fun. I need to get that. Heehee. I think the guy said it was going to be on PSN and Xbox Live…

DJ Hero looks fun, too. I thought it’d be kinda cheesy, but after looking at the demonstration I’m rather warming up to it.

Checked out the PSP Go. Looks nice. I asked about how quick it can wake up from sleep. The guy seemed rather vague and BS-y when he said that he think it’s quicker on the wake up from sleep. :\ Ultimately, it’ll depend on which games there are for the console. If it doesn’t have a similarly awesome lineup like Nintendo has for the DS, I’m still not sold on it.

Also, aside from the iced coffee, I paid $0 for food. Free food at mothership’s booth. Yeay! Although the hired security guy stopped me from going in because he didn’t recognize the developer. -_- The security guy had to ask someone walking in if I was a part of the mothership. Lame. -_-

I must be getting old. I feel like 1 day is enough. It’s like TGS where I didn’t care after one day. I guess 7 years of E3 will do it.

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