So I had a rather exciting weekend (plus Monday). It involved kidnapping my sister three times.
When I woke up on Saturday, I decided that food was in order, but I didn’t want to make something. I needed to leave the house and I thought of no better way of spending my time dragging my sister out with me. She was about to eat some ramen, but I managed to convince her that going out for ramen was much better than eating the instant stuff. Unfortunately, we left for food at around 3:30 PM when all the restaurants we wanted to hit were closed. Food was finally in our tummies at around 4 PM, but it was not-quite-tasty ramen from the Express in Marukai. Quite disappointing.
Laura needed to go home to get ready for her party and I needed to get ready to go to the Galaxy in Santa Ana. I showered, and dressed up in my bloody tooth fairy costume. A coworker thankfully went with me. We went to see Elviss Simmons and the Memphis Strutters (and Dead Man’s Party). I was really hoping to hear Weird Science, but my coworker and I didn’t stick around for that. We need to hit another party back in Torrance and it was already midnight by that point.
The party we went to was another coworker’s. Lots of food still left, and the party punch was pretty good. New Dan was there as well. I haven’t seen him since Web of Shadows. It feels like a long time ago, but it’s only been a year.
On Sunday, I saw Cirque du Freak: the Vampire’s Assistant with Laura. Her husband was going to come, too, but he had too much stuff to do, so he bowed out. I really liked the movie even though I thought it strayed a bit farther from the books than I would have liked. It would have been really hard to stuff 3 books into one movie, so I can see why they made the changes that they did. One interesting thing Laura pointed out; the actor who played Steve got a higher billing than the actor who played Darren. I found that odd as well.
On the way back to our cars, we decided to check out the Circus Vargas tent that was set up at Del Amo Fashion Center. It was $30 for decent adult seats. I wanted to see it because I haven’t seen a circus since I was a little kid, and Laura wanted to see it because… I think because she couldn’t remember ever really seeing it. She said that she just knows that she did, but she didn’t remember it. The last showing was today (Monday) at 7 PM. I left work early so I could make it back to Torrance in time to get decent seating.
The circus was more exciting than I remember it. I know that they can do amazing feats of acrobatics, but knowing and seeing are two entirely different things. Laura asked me what I wanted to do if I was in the circus. She wants to be costume designer/make-up artist. I said trapeze artist. Such an unlikely answer from someone who’s scared of heights, but I really loved the bars as a little kid.
I really want to see Cirque du Soleil now. More acrobatic feats of wonder, please!