Got back from the Treyarch trip from Las Vegas today. Had an enjoyable time there. Stayed at the Hard Rock Hotel again. Ate, chatted, danced, etc. Typical things you do while in Vegas. Took the charter bus the company hired to get there an back. I’m a bit sad that I’m not staying an additional night, but unfortunately, I don’t have the extra cash to spend right now.
As a pre-party entertainment, a group of us started off at the bar in Pink Taco. From there we moved to Hofbrauhaus across the street from the hotel. Their sausage appetizer… Delicious. I even liked the sauerkraut and I’m not known to like that stuff!
My worries of gross food was completely unfounded this year. When we walked into the Body English (after breaking to get dolled up, of course), there were several tables of delicious food lined up ready to go. Yum. I approve. I even managed to shame someone at Guitar Hero, which was kinda amazing since I don’t really play that game. After a few more drinks, I was on the dance floor as well.
The party ended at 11 PM and turned into a regular dance club after that. We decided to leave and congregate elsewhere. After some coffee at Starbucks, we went back to the center bar in the casino to just hang around and chat. One of my coworkers got way drunk. I ended up taking away all his drinks and ordering him some water instead. Later on I heard that some bouncers had to take him back to his room and doesn’t remember any of it. I’m going to have to make fun of him on Monday.