So it’s finally that time of the game cycle again where I get to chill and relax at home. Yesterday and especially today sucked at work in terms of being productive. I had to harass Edwin to give me bugs to fix from his plate. The last three issues he couldn’t give me for various reasons. Dave got his comp time a few minutes before I got mine. :x He told me he got put on comp time starting tomorrow (Tuesday) and then one of the producers called me into his office. My first response is always, I didn’t do it. Only because it’s kinda funny. >.>; So I get 14 days off. That’s 1 week short of what I was hoping, but beggars can’t be choosers I suppose…
My plantar fasciitis is back, but this time, it’s in my right foot instead of my left. >_<; I’m icing it as I write, and I’m thinking Advil looks mighty yummy right now. I think I’m going to buy another foot brace so I’ll have one for each foot. I know I’m going to need them when I go to Japan in April.