So on Saturday, July 26, I woke up really early to get ready and pick up my sister and Jyun. I was a bit late, but that’s okay, because I accounted someone being late into my time table. I was hoping it wasn’t going to be me… >.>;;
Everything goes smoothly at Union Station as Laura and Jyun were able to get their tickets relatively quickly since it was before 7 AM. The exciting part was when I found out that the Heroes cast was at Union Station, not more than 30 feet from me. The crappy part was when I found out that I left my SLR camera battery at home when my sister asked, “How do I turn this on?” Crap. Jyun had a camera, and I had a point and shoot, so I did get non-stalker pictures of them from that.
Ride to San Diego was uneventful. We got seats and that’s all that mattered. :P Although, my sister did say that I brushed past 2 of the Heroes cast on my way back from the cafe train. Peter Petrelli and Mohinder Suresh. And I didn’t even realize I did. Gah!
When Laura and I got the SDCC, we went to get in line for the Heroes panel, but unfortunately it was full. :( No Heroes for me. So we wandered around the exhibit hall. Laura got bored of standing at the Square-Enix booth with my friends and wandered off, eventually getting herself into whichever hall that had the Battlestar Galactica panel 2 hours ahead of schedule. She wanted to make sure she had a seat. During that time I ate food at Anthony’s with my friends. It was okay food. There was a piece of bread in the butter, veeery suspicious.
The hotel I stayed at was the Sofia Hotel. Very nice. A bit pricey, but I love the decor.
For dinner, Laura and I couldn’t decide on what to eat. So we decided to wander around until we found something to both our liking. We rejected one or two places (mainly because they didn’t look like they were serving alcohol) until we ran into Shiz and Jyun. Shiz, Jyun, Steph, Michael, Laura and I ate at an Indian restaurant. It was pretty good. Oh yeah, I met Will Wheaton, but I didn’t recognize him because he had the entire facial hair thing going.
Sunday, Laura and I were planning on trying to get Cylon toasters, but we decided sleep was more important. At least that saved us $65. <.<;
At 2:30 PM, it was back to the train station to go back home. Train ride was uneventful as well. (Less so because the entire cast of Heroes wasn’t on the train….)