Filming What?

On Saturday night when I got home, I saw that there was a bunch of film equipment in front of my neighbor’s house. My mom thought that they were moving, but I said nope, it’s film equipment. I didn’t want to go up and ask so instead, I secretly took pictures of them from my mom’s bedroom window. Kekeke, I feel like such a stalker! XD

Some Sort of Filming

A Crazy Idea Fermented In My Head….

I bought two domain names. One is and the other… My friend Ardith gave me an idea about a web comic about me and dave being in the game industry and it kinda fermented in my head to the point where I had to try it out. Yeah, I know I’m stupid and I should have started out on one of those web comic sites, but I didn’t want the domain snatched up because it did turn out to be a good idea. Dave says it should be pessimistic and sarcastic. I’m like, optimistic and happy! With BUNNIES! I’ll just make our characters, like Penny Arcade, or something. >.>;; The chances of both sites failing… pretty good, considering that I’m lazy…. But I promise I’ll try not to be… It’s just… Final Fantasy XI calls….

Dang it!

I haven’t been losing any weight recently. I’ve been stuck at about 149-150 lbs for a few weeks now. I started using a body fat calculator to see if I’m making any progress, I have from the beginning, but for the past week, I’ve been kinda stuck! It might be the chocolate. >.<; Darn it!!

Harry Potter Movie #5

Watched Harry Potter in IMAX today with Dave. I enjoyed the movie very much. It went by quickly. I didn’t realize the movie was in 3D until we walked in and they were passing out 3D glasses in front of the theater. Most of the movie was in 2D, with the very last battle in 3D. It was pretty interesting and weird to look at it in 3D…. Three very cheesy green eye glass icons appeared at the bottom of the screen when everyone was supposed to put on their glasses. The entire audience giggled. Dave didn’t know that the the sunglasses used to view 3D movies are polarized. Now he knows, and knowing is half the battle! …

Emotionally Distraught Rabbits

Laura tried to take care of Peter and Rex for 1 month, but she couldn’t handle it. She has to take care of highly distraught clients and then to come home to emotionally distraught rabbits was too much for her. I want them. I don’t want to give up on them. I think they’d be lovely house rabbits. My mom doesn’t want me to keep them unfortunately. *cry* I want these rabbits!

Rex and Peter On My Bed

I Love Chocolate

I got my order of Chuao Chocolates yesterday. I forced them down onto several people at work, well, tiny pieces. I love chocolate, and I love sharing what I love. Now… Should I send my cousin and aunt chocolate from my stash or order them a new package sent directly to them? Hmm… Chocolate…

Stupid Guivre! >_<

So my FFXI adventure starts off with being invited to Fynlar’s experience points party as a red mage in Bibiki Bay. Everything is going great, I’m being the dutiful refresh whore that I should be, but the party breaks up sooner than I had anticipated. I had just used an Empress Band, so Fynlar suggest I kill crabs in Kuftal Tunnel until I get full use of my exp bonus. I’m like, sure!

So I’m in Kuftal Tunnel, soloing crabs as Fynlar cures me as rdm/pld when Guivre pops and makes his presence known. He kills off a few people along with Fynlar and me. Fynlar gets a raise, comes to raise me and I start casting escape as I rejoin Fyn’s party.

Of course, whenever a large NM pops like that, revenge is in order. Fynlar rushes to Rabao to change subjobs from paladin to ninja. (Woot RDM/NIN go!) When he gets back, we see a bunch of people had run out of the tunnel to escape the rampaging dragon. On hearing Fynlar is going to solo it, a few people get a little too excited and follow us right into a bunch of crabs. I imagine they died…. >.>;

The thing about Guivre is that he runs fast. Escape is not an option when he is after you. However, it’s a little different when you’re chasing it. When we finally find him, he’s already claimed by another party. So after a bit of watching, their red mage eats it, their ninja eats it, their whm eats it, and their other ninja eats it, and their first ninja eats it again… Guivre runs off, goes yellow, and we go chasing after it. I head south and my sneak is wearing off, so I start recasting sneak, click off old sneak, new sneak is cast and I run… But instead of running smoothly past the cactaurs, I aggro a bunch of them. I didn’t click off sneak as I thought I had, and I’m quickly dead, eating dirt. Fynlar finds Guivre, but he didn’t have much of a chance and he eats it, too. After that we both HP and and log off.

Thus, that is the misadventure of the weekend. It was fun though. ^^;

Jury Duty Service Is Now Complete

And so today is the last day to call in to see if I have jury duty. I am crushed because all I ever was was “on call”. There was no jury selection process. There was no waiting in the jury room. It was just me, a phone, and a string of numbers. This makes me sad. I really, REALLY wanted to be on a jury. I was so close the last time (not really, but let us pretend) to being on a jury, only to be dismissed by the prosecutor. Maybe in next year.

Rex and Peter, and Cute Baby Bunnies

Yesterday, Laura adopted two rabbits from PetSave Foundation in San Pedro.

We started our day there by cleaning. Well, Laura cleaned, and I played with the little bunnies. They had cute little baby bunnies running around and totally making a mess out of their cage. Stinky! But oh, how they were cute!

At the Bunny Shelter

At the Bunny Shelter

Attached to the rabbit shelter was a gift store that helped generate income for the shelter. They had some really neat stuff, so I bought something to help them out. Two pairs of earrings. One is of rabbits. The other is of dragonflies.

Laura picked a pair of scardy cat rabbits named Ginger and Paprika. On the way home, Laura told me she wanted rabbits named Rex O’Hurlahan the Singing Cowboy and Peter the Town Drunk. Problem, both rabbits were girls. I suggested several different names, like maybe Shouga for one of them. Then I thought that maybe Shouga sounded like a male name also. (Shouga means ginger in Japanese.) Then I thought Wasabi and Karashi. Although, Karashi kinda rhymes with ‘kareshi’ (boyfriend) or like my dad’s name Takashi… No, Laura decided she really wanted to name them Rex O’Hurlahan the Singing Cowboy and Peter the Town Drunk. So now, Ginger and Paprika are Rex and Peter. >.>;

Once they were home, Rex kept on running away from us. Peter was much more friendly and allowed people to pet her. In order to get close to Rex, I had to lie down on my stomach and inch closer and closer. We must have spent about and hour in Laura’s backyard trying to get them acclimated to their new surroundings. Franklin tried to feed Peter a yogurt chip, but she took it with her teeth and flung it. >_< Rex just kept on running away. Although, I think Peter did eat the banana piece that was offered to her, Rex was still in panic mode to even consider sniffing for food. Eventually, they were put into their new hutches in the atrium while Laura, Janette, and I went shopping for a litter box for them.

Green Grass of Freedom!!

Laura and Peter

Laura and Rex

New Home

I wonder how they are doing now.