What happens when a storm comes in with huge gusting winds and tons of rain? A power outage.
I was working on my friend’s hat when the power went out at around 6:15. I made sure it wasn’t something local to our house because the neighbor to the west still has power. It’s not. The neighbors to the west and south do not have power. The street lights are out on the other street as well.
My mom suggested that I take a shower while there was some light outside. I said naw. I should have listened to her.
Instead, since there really wasn’t much to do, I decided it was nap time! Lots of naps. Adamu called sometime in the evening, and I talked to him for a while, then back to sleep. Now it’s almost midnight and there’s still no power. I guess that means it’s time to go to sleep for the evening. Yeay!
Kinda sad that I didn’t get to finish the hat, but working by candlelight suck. Oh, well.